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  • Can I run StyleCAD on a Mac?
    You can only install StyleCAD on Intel-based Mac computers using Apple Boot Camp. The new generation Macs are not supported.
  • StyleCAD Installation Issue with Windows 11 Memory Integrity Setting
    Some of our users have reported receiving the following error while attempting to install StyleCAD on Windows 11. The driver that fails to load is the Sentinel dongle driver. It is possible that Windows 11 Memory Integrity Setting is interfering with the Installation. Turning off this setting and restarting the device should fix the problem.
  • What are the system requirements for VStitcher and Lotta for Windows?
  • What is the difference between the PE and the SE?
    StyleCAD V11 PE (Pattern Expert Version) Option Note: If your key is enabled as a distributor key, Control-Q switches the PE to SE version. If your distributor dongle does not behave this way, email us and we can program your dongle for this switching feature. The extra features only included with StyleCAD PE version are: In the Grading screen: - The default grading tool supports the ‘E’ quickstep which automatically grades the end of an internal line so that the end of the internal line touches the graded pattern outline for each size perfectly. In the PDS (Pattern Making) screen: - Style/Pattern History feature - Pattern Info Translation feature - Segment Length Tool for sleeve - Dart Tools to create darts on screen, transfer darts, blend - Pleat (Knife Pleat and Box Pleat) & Shirring making tools including Puff Tool - Tracing Polyline Tool (In V10 SE version, the Trace Tool has been added) - Spiral Tool - Curve Blending Tool - Quick Step “B” and “BB” for blending curves - Quick Step “DC” for automatic Dart Cap shape generation - Quick Step “PC” for automatic Pleat Cap shape generation - Quick Step “P” with the default PDS Tool for quick pivoting function - Perimeter Tool supports the ‘I’ quickstep to compute the perimeter of multiple sections where the sections are intersecting each other - Use As Outline popup menu command - Custom Curve Library feature. The user can save curves for future reference - French Curves - Block Blending Tool - PolyBezier Line Tool – QuickStep “C” to copy sections from other curves or French curves - Flip Tool – QuickStep “DD” (Detached/Disabled) allows temporary folding of a section to be edited - 2 Point Guideline, 2 Point Guideline with 90 deg crossing guide line, Tangent Guideline - Native Yuka file importing
  • Reasons for StyleCAD not starting up (critical errors):
    llegal Use of StyleCAD License. Contact a distributor. A. Remote terminal program is running. B. Some sort of crack software is installed on the computer. C. Some sort of CPU sharing device is being used - multiple keyboards/multiple displays/multiple mouses for 1 computer. 2. Key requires an upgrade. Please contact the dealer. Different version of StyleCAD has been installed. (Example: V11.exe installed but the dongle is programmed for V10). 3. Invalid Licence File A. The License file is missing in the installation folder. B. The Licence file is invalid and does not match the PC information (should request a new license file).
  • Setting up a shared plotter in a network environment with multiple users
    Network Shared Plotter Setup In a network environment with multiple PDS/Grading users and multiple marking users, it is very common to have one or more plotters that are shared among the users. Plotters could include pattern plotter often capable of changing tools (pen/knife) or marker plotters. The following sample cases represent the most common set up. Please refer to the situation that matches your configuration. The variables in the StyleCAD setup are where the style/marker folder is located and how the folder is mapped if it is a network folder. Setup Case 1: Submitting Marker Plot from PC1 or PC2 - Style/Marker folder exists in PC3 where Output Manger (OM) is running. The user is running a marking program from PC1 or PC2 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC3. The user wants to submit a marker plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad. * Computer Name: pc1, pc2, pc3 (OM runs here and contains style/marker folder) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 2: Submitting Marker Plot from PC1 - Style/Marker folder exists in PC2, OM runs on PC3. The user is running a marking program from PC1 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC2. The user wants to submit a marker plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad. * Computer Name: pc1 (marking program), pc2 (style/marker folder), pc3 (OM running) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 3: Submitting Style Plot from PC1/PC3 - Style/Marker folder exists in PC3, OM runs on PC3. The user is running a PDS/Grading program and the Plot Manager (PM) from PC1 or PC2 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC3 where the Output Manager (OM) is running. The user wants to submit a pattern plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to either \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad. * Computer Name: pc1/pc2 (PDS and PM program), pc3 (style/marker folder, OM running) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 4: PM (PC1) submits style plot to OM. Style/Marker folder exists in PC2 and Output Manger (OM) is running in PC3. The user is running a PDS/Grading program from PC1 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC2. The user wants to submit a marker plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad.. * Computer Name: pc1 (PM), pc2 (Style folder), pc3 (OM) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 5: PM (PC1/PC2)submits style plot to OM (PC3). Style/Marker folder exists locally in PC1/PC2 The user is running a PDS/Grading program from PC1/PC2 on the same network. The style and marker files reside locally in PC1/PC2. Therefore, OM computer does not have direct access to the style files in either PC1 or PC2. The user wants to submit a pattern plot job from PM in either PC1 or PC2 to OM running on PC3. In this case, the plot submit must be done with the Copy to Plot Server option in PM. The style file is copied from the local folder in PC1/PC2 to PC3 local folder before OM starts plotting. * Computer Name: pc1 (PM, style folder), pc2 (PM, style folder), pc3 (OM) "Setup Instruction"
  • How to control access to plotter drivers
    Please contact your local dealer for support.
  • How do I setup a workstation for use with StyleCAD Network Version?
    StyleCAD Network Version Workstation Installation *StyleCAD Version Net Workstation supports Windows 2000 or Windows XP only. Windows ME/98/95 are not supported. *Prior to installation, the user must create a network drive. The letter for the network drive must be G. Please refer to Windows Mapping document to learn more about Windows Mapping. If the letter is not G, after installation, the ODBC System DSNs created StyleCAD installation must be modified. Also, all reference to G: drive in Program Configuration window in all StyleCAD programs must be modified to the correct drive letter. *Prior to installation, the user should know the name of the StyleCAD Server where the software license key is attached. *Windows Firewall can block the network key license authorization. Disable the windows Firewall or perform Add Port (Exceptions tab) to add UDP port 6001. This is the port number used by the Sentinel network key to authorize network license to the workstation. 1. Insert the StyleCAD Net Version Workstation Installation CD to CDROM. Installation program will automatically start. 2. Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for StyleCAD. Click Next. 3. License Agreement. Click Next. 4. Enter Text. Please enter your server’s name here. The server name must be in English. Click Next. 5. Customer Information. Enter User Name and Company Name. Click Next. 6. Choose Destination Location. Click Next. 7. Setup Type. Click Next. 8. Program Folder. Click Next. 9. TechSmith Screen Capture Codec Installation. Click Install. For version 6 and higher, this step is skipped. 10. Question. Click Yes. 11. InstallShield Wizard Complete. Click Finish. 12. After rebooting, please open Output Manager program and select Settings\Program Configuration. Change the drive letter to C for Pattern Marker Folder & Plot Spool Folder as indicated. 13. Open all INI files and add following info. [NetworkConfiguration] NetkeyServerName=YOURSERVERNAMEHERE
  • How do I configure Windows Mapping services?
    Windows Mapping StyleCAD Network requires a proper network mapping from the workstation computers to the server computer. The computers must have working network interface cards and Windows operating system installed. To find out the server computer’s name Right-click My Computer, select Properties\Network Identification to find out the server computer’s full name. * To rename the computer, click properties. It is recommended to use a meaningful name such as ScadServer or TrainServer. Sharing a local hard drive for the server computer 1. Double-click My Computer. 2. Right-click Local Disk (C:), select Sharing. 3. Click New Share 4. Enter C and click OK. Mapping to the server from the workstations Right-click My Computer and select Map Network Drive… Choose letter G for Drive and enter \\YourServerName\C for Folder. Click Finish.
  • I receive the following error screen. What causes this, and what can I do to fix it?"
    Automarker Socket Error This is not an error but a notification in StyleCAD. There are two possible reasons for this error: 1. TCP/IP might not be set up properly. The dedicated Automarker is able to receive an automarking job over the local network via Sockets, and in order to do that the computer must be set up with TCP/IP protocol. First, right click on the Network Neighborhood icon on your desktop and select "Properties". Then, right click on Local Area Connection and select "Properties". Then, left click on Internet Protcol (TCP/IP) and select "Properties". Finally, enter your DNS settings, as well as your IP settings (ask your system administrator for information on what numbers to enter here). 2. The port number used by the Automarker server could already be used by another application. To fix this, the user must open the Automarker50.INI file in WinNT or Windows (for XP) and enter the following by using a text editor. [Server Configuration] AUTOMARKING_SERVER_PORT=3707 If 3707 does not work either, keep incrementing the number and retry. You may need to reboot your computer for these settings to take effect.
  • How do I perform the StyleCAD Key Field Activation?
    StyleCAD Key Field Activation This section discusses how the user may purchase an upgrade for the StyleCAD program and activate the purchased module or a version upgrade without swapping the key. A typical scenario is upgrading the program from 4.0 to 5.0 or adding the advanced PDS module or the automarker toa standard StyleCAD system. The user purchases the upgrade from the local StyleCAD dealer, and then by entering a secret code received from the dealer (or SoftFashion USA) activates the purchased module on the StyleCAD key. This is called Field Activation and is available only to those keys shipped to customers after August 2004. StyleCAD license keys purchased prior to August 2004 must be returned when the program is upgraded. The customer will be provided with a new key that will be ready for future field >activation. In order to do the field activation, the customer must install the Sentinel 6.3.1 driver and the FieldExchange program. The Zip file containing both can be obtained from the dealer or downloaded by clicking here. Once the zip file is obtained, follow the steps below. Installing the Sentinel 6.3.1 driver and activating additional license in a StyleCAD program key. 1. Unzip the file. Double click the file. When the window shows up, there should be 5 files. Drag each one onto your desktop or a folder. 2. Run setup.exe by double clicking it. This should install the Sentinel Superpro 6.3.1 driver and fieldExchange.exe program. Press the next button. Press the next button. Press the next button. Make sure your StyleCAD key is removed from your computer and Press the Install button. Press the Finish button. 3. Restart the comptuer then run the fieldExchange.exe program. In order to run the program, press the Start button on the bottom taskbar. Then move the cursor to All Programs buttom. This brings up another menu. Look for Rainbow Technologies. Move the cursor to the arrow next to it. The next menu shows up that says SuperPro. Keep moving the cursor to the arrow to walk through the next menu that says 6.3 and Tools. The Field Exchange Utility should be the first menu item after Tools. Select it. 4. Press the Get Locking Code button on the Field Exchange Utility program. It should display an alphabetical text string. Copy the string and e-mail it to either your local dealer or 5. The support team at SoftFashion USA will send back an encrypted text string. 6. Run the fieldExchange.exe program again and enter the received encrypted text string into the text field above the "Update License" button. Then press the "Update License" button. 7. A small popup message "Success!" should appear. If this does not happen, contact the local dealer for further support. 8. Run StyleCAD. The purchased module will now be activated.
  • What is an alternate method for finding my computer's MAC code besides using FindMAC.exe?
    Alternate MAC Code Discovery Sometimes the FindMAC.exe program used to discover your computer's MAC code may not work properly. If this happens, there is a simple alternative way of discovering your computer's MAC code. 1. Move the mouse pointer to the Start Menu, and click on Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. 2. Type in ipconfig /all and press enter. 3. Take not of the results shown on the screen. The string listed under Physical Address is the MAC code for your computer.
  • Manual Placement doesn't work on StyleCAD Output Manager
    Marking Network Version Setup Sometimes some features may not be properly enabled in Marking when using the network version of the program. This is typically a problem with the program's configuration and can be fixed quite easily. 1. Open PatternMarkerNet50.INI file and add NetworkConfiguration]info as below if you don't have it. [SystemRegion] PatternMarkerFilePath=C:\SCAD\PatternMarkers [NetworkConfiguration] NetkeyServerName=YOURSERVERNAMEHERE 2. Make sure your Output Manager has Pattern Marker Folder and Plot Spool Folder mapped to C:\ not G:\. This can be seen in the image below.
  • Please explain the types of intermediate grading points in StyleCAD Grading.
    2 types of Intermediate Grading and their usage We now have 2 different types of intermediate grading points. The user can right-click on any point to see the Apply Intermediate Grading option. Under this option, there are two different intermediate grading methods that are possible. They are: Proportional to Curvature and Proportional to Distance. The default intermediate grading point type is Proportional to Curvature, and this option will appear in intermediate grading as the image below upon grading: If the user right-clicks on the grading point and chooses Proportional to Distance, then it will show up in grading as this image below: This new option was added because the users need to able to grade differently in different areas of pattern. For example, the users can apply the Proportional to Curvature method for areas such as an armhole or the crotch area.
  • How do I set the default value for the Facing Pair option in Marker Order in StyleCAD 5.0?
    Setting the default value for the Facing Pair option in Marker Order (version 5.0) For Copy Pattern Annotation, the last setting will be remembered. This will be affected by the Insert Pattern and Replace Pattern commands because this option exists for those tools as well. In order to set the default value to OFF for the Facing Pair option, add the following lines to the marking50.ini file. [User Configuration] Default Facing Pair Flag=0 The default value is 1, which sets the facing pair flag. [User Configuration] section should already exist. Just find it and add the Default Facing Pair Flag=0 below the line.
  • How can I prevent the pattern annotation from appearing (and being plotted) outside of a pattern?
    Marker Pattern Annotation Location Control Sometimes when placing pattern annotations on patterns (especially circular patterns with a hole in the middle), the pattern annotation plots in a location that may cause the annotation to be outside the pattern. This may be caused by the grain line crossing the hole area. There is a simple method for solving this problem. Simply move the grain line to a location in the pattern so that it sits completely inside the pattern. StyleCAD tries to plot at the geometric center of the pattern first and if the annotation is outside the pattern outline, it tries the grain line location next. Making sure the grain line sits completely inside will ensure that the annotation is plotted inside the pattern outline.
  • How do I setup the ODBC databases for use with StyleCAD?
    ODBC Setup By default, StyleCAD sets up the ODBC (Object Database Control) settings when the StyleCAD software is installed. Sometimes it is necessary to manually setup the ODBC system in order to change or add a database. Although the process is straight forward, it is also very specific. When following these directions, please pay close attention to the spelling of certain settings, since StyleCAD depends on the correct spelling of these settings to operate correctly. 1. Select the Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu. 2. If using Windows XP, select Performance and Maintainance, then select the Administrative Tools icon. Then click on the Data Sources (ODBC) icon. If using Windows 2000 or older, simply click on the Administrative Tools icon and then click on the Data Sources (ODBC) icon. 3. Click on the System DSN tab at the top of the window. If you wish to edit a database, simply click on the database's name and click the Configure button. If you wish to add a new database, simply click on the button marked Add. 4. Once the Add dialog box is open, enter the Data Source Name exactly as it is required by StyleCAD. The following is a list of data source names recognized by StyleCAD, along with each of their functions: MyRules40 - Contains the marker list for all styles used by the user. This provides the quick marker info/selection list and contains information such as fabric yield, utilization, marker width, length, size ratios, number of pieces, creator, modified date, etc. It also contains the grading rule tables. ImportRules - Used only by the StyleCAD File Utility program in order to import rules from a data base file received from another StyleCAD installation. After installation, this ODBC Data Source points to C:\Scad\ImportRules.mdb but could be modifed to point to another file. So in order to import grading rules from another site, copy the MyRules40.mdb file and overwrite your ImportRules.mdb or copy the file in some other folder and make the ODBC Data Source point to that file. PatternSpec40 - Contains Pattern Specification data. StylePDM - Contains the Cost Sheet information. StyleLog40 - Contains the company information, customer list, pattern name list, pattern description list, etc. PlotReport - Contains plotting history information. NOTE: For this procedure to work correctly, make sure the data source names are spelled in the same manner shown above in bold. If there is a problem in the spelling, StyleCAD will not recognize the data source file in the software. 5. Under Database, click the Select button. A file selection dialog box appears. Select the desired database to associate with the data source name. ADVANCED FEATURE: If a database has been corrupted by the system or if any other problem has occurred with the database file, it is possible to repair the database association using this same procedure. Instead of clicking the Select button, press the Repair button instead. 6. Now click OK or Finish to exit all of the open windows. If the StyleCAD program is open, close it and re-open it to start using the new database file.
  • How can Spyware affect StyleCAD?
    Spyware Effects on StyleCAD With the amount of Spam and Spyware creeping into users' systems these days, it's important to know how these pieces of unauthorized software affect StyleCAD. The best form of defense is to keep StyleCAD systems disconnected from the internet. Sometimes this isn't possible, so users might try installing anti-spyware programs. Although we cannot recommend any specific spyware removal programs, our users and technicians have found success with programs like Ad-Aware and Spyware Doctor. Because of the way Spyware affects the user's computer system, StyleCAD's DLL files could be affected. We've received reports of Spyware and some Spyware removers to copy, move, or block some of StyleCAD's DLL files. This could cause StyleCAD errors such as the grading panel's disappearance or a corrupt ODBC database. The user can take several precautions to recover from such a failure. First of all, backup your ODBC databases (the databases StyleCAD uses to store software information) frequently. This will ensure that a recent version is available incase the user needs to reset the database. If users find themselves with DLL errors due to Spyware, they can use their original StyleCAD CD to reinstall the software files. This will clear up the software from any errors that Spyware may have caused.
  • How do I upgrade from an older version of StyleCAD Network system to a newer version?
    Updating to StyleCAD 6.0 from previous versions is quick and easy. Simply purchase the new software, and you will receive instructions for upgrading. Upgrades are fast, and very easy to accomplish even for a novice computer use
  • How do I digitize grading data?
    Digitzing Grading Data In order to digitize grading data, you need a 16 button cursor. The following images show the digitizer button setup window and the exact sequence of how to digitize grading data. The grading data for curve points need not be digitized in because StyleCAD's grading data blending algorithm will take care of the curve points. The black numbers represent the button to press and the red numbers represent the exact order in which they are entered. Digitizing Internal Lines and Drill Holes A. Digitizing Internal lines Step 1: With the [Intermediate/selection button] (usually button A on a 16 button mouse or button 3 on a 4 button mouse), (refer to the Digitizer Cursor Configuration), click the [Internal Line] menu item. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Internal Line." Step 2: Now you are in Internal Line digitizing mode. You can now digitize the internal line as you would digitize any line normally. In other words, use [Grading Button] or [Intermediate/selection button] for the curve point. When you are finished with the line, press the [End Mode Button] (usually button 1 on either 4 or 16 button mouse). This finishes the first internal line. At this point, you are still in internal line mode. You can repeat step 2 again for second internal line or proceed to step 3. Step 3: Press the [End Mode Button] once more to exit the internal line mode. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Internal Line Finished." B. Digitizing Drill Holes Step 1: With the [Intermediate/selection button] (usually button A on a 16 button mouse or button 3 on a 4 button mouse), (refer to the Digitizer Cursor Configuration), click the [Drill Hole] menu item. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Drill Hole." Step 2: Now you are in drill hole digitizing mode. Use [Intermediate/selection button] for the drill hole. You can repeat step 2 again for a second drill hole or proceed to step 3. Step 3: Press the [End Mode Button] to exit the drill hole mode. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Drill Hole Finished."
  • Is StyleCAD a UNICODE program?
    Yes. StyleCAD starting from version 10 supports UNICODE. Therefore, the user can change the language of the program anytime without using the Regional Settings in the Windows Control Panel. Also, the user may enter any language into any text data in the style files and marker files. For example a pattern name can have English part and Chinese part. Additionally, StyleCAD supports the concept of Dual Language Support. This feature allows the user to enter data in 2 separate languages and switch between them by a click of a button. For example, pattern name and description can have English text and a separate Spanish Text. The user can then choose to display all pattern information in English or Spanish. Any combination of languages is supported.
  • Does StyleCAD run on Dual Monitor Setup?
    Yes, StyleCAD Version 11 programs may be placed in the secondary monitor and remember the position of dialog windows in the secondary monitor.
  • How to change the font and text size on StyleCAD V11 for UHD displays?
    1. Go to Settings and select Preference. 2. Click on Set Dialog Font. 3. Choose the Font, Font Style, and Size. 4. For UHD (4K) displays, choose the [Large Toolbars] button in the Preference window. This doubles the pixel size of all the toolbar icons and will make it easier to see and select the tools. 5. The Grid Scale controls the scaling of all grids (spreadsheet like tables with grids) in StyleCAD. This affects Grading Panel, Pattern Chart, Browse Pattern Window, Marker Order windows etc etc. Try setting to 1.5-2 to increase the size of the rows and columns. 6. If QuickStep entries appear too small to read, try setting the size to Large. 7. If the pattern label on the display is too small to read, try setting the pattern label size setting to Large. With this, you’ve changed the font and text size for all your StyleCAD programs installed on your computer.
  • Installing StyleCAD Plugins for Browzwear VStitcher
    1. First update the license for VStitcher’s dongle to be able to use version 7.8. a) Run Browzwear_HASP_RUS.exe. Select [Update of existing protection key] and click on [Collect Information]. Save the .c2v file and email it to Also ask them to add the Open Platform feature. They will send you the .v2c file and instructions on how to apply it onto your dongle. 2. Create a subfolder inside the Plugins folder and place the bwpluginStyleCAD.dll and plugin.json files inside this folder. The name of the subfolder does not matter. Now when you open VStitcher 7.8, the Plugins menu will appear in the title bar. Note: If you have more than one plugin, each plugin requires a separate subfolder with its own plugin.json file. If the first method does not work, please try this second method. Instead of creating a subfolder inside the Plugins folder, open VStitcher 7.8, go to Edit and select Preferences. Then go to Plugins and click on + to add the Plugins folder. After adding the Plugins folder here, the Plugins menu will show up in the title bar. If the Plugins menu still does not show up in the Title Bar. If after trying these two methods you are still unable to see the plugins menu, go to Programs and Features from the Control Panel and check to see if you have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) installed on your computer. If you do not have it installed, then please download the program from here: After you install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) on your computer, the Plugins menu should show up in the title bar.
  • How do I digitize internal lines and drill holes?
    1. From the digitizer windows Setting menu, select [Digitizer Setup]. Select the model, COM port setting, resolutions etc. When the model is selected, the default configuration setting is automatically applied to all the fields. The command format below the model selection defines the expected button click report message format from the digitizer. You can consult the digitizer manual and configure the board to report in the expected format. 2. Button Setup Digitizing Grading Data In order to digitize grading data, you need a 16 button cursor. The following images show the digitizer button setup window and the exact sequence of how to digitize grading data. The grading data for curve points need not be digitized because StyleCAD’s grading data blending algorithm will take care of the curve points. The black numbers represent the button to press and the red numbers represent the exact order in which they are enetered. 3. Setting Up Digitizer Menu Area Place the StyleCAD digitizer menu sheet on a corner of the digitizer. We recommend the upper right hand corner. Once the menu is placed, you must define the location so that the menu click is recognized by the program. Select the [Define Menu Area] command from the [Setting] menu. You will see the menu area display show up in the left side of the digitizer window and will hear “Click left corner please” sound if you have a speaker attached to your computer. With the digitizer cursor, click the small black round dot toward the bottom left corner of the menu sheet. Use the selection cursor button defined in step 2 above. You will hear “Click right corner now, please.” Click the small black round dot toward the bottom right side of the menu. Now your menu area is defined and the menu clicks will be recognized. 4. Cursor click report display area A really useful feature of the digitizer window is that it displays the digitizer cursor click reporting message. The display area is next to the pattern name entry field on the window. The cursor report is a text string and it contains the button ID, X/Y coordinate data. If the COM port setting is incorrect, you will not get legible display in this area when you click the digitizer. If you are getting legible text in the area, it is a confirmation that your COM setting is correct. The reported cursor message format must match the message format shown for the digitizer model selected in step 1. If the format does not match, you must either configure the digitizer board to report in the matching format or select a model in the digitizer setup window in StyleCAD to match the message format being used by the digitizer. 5. Digitizing Large Patterns that do not fit on the digitizer board. Use the [Paste Pattern] command. 6. Digitizing Nested Pattern (Graded Pattern) The steps are shown below in the diagram. Numbers in black shows the button being used and numbers in magenta color is the sequence number. For this illustration, we assumed that button 0 is the Intermidate/selection button, 1 is the grading/corner button, 2 is the end button, 4 is the Nest button. For the Drill Hole 26 With the zero button select drill hole on the Menu 27 With the zero button select the drill hole on the base pattern 28 With 4 button select the next drill hole 29 With 4 button select the last drill hole 30 End with 2 button 31 Save with 2 button 7. Digitizing Internal Lines and Drill Holes
  • Is there a manual for the QuickSteps?
    Yes. Please download the QuickStep manual from the following link:
  • How can I download the GTCO CalComp driver and application compatible with StyleCAD?
    You can download TabletWorks- from here.
  • How to install network version (School) with Windows Firewall active
    The StyleCAD Network version utilizes the socket (TCP/IP) communication in order to provide license to the workstations. Activating the Windows Firewall can interfere with the socket communication. Add the UDP port 6001 to the Firewall exception list in order to keep the firewall running but still allow StyleCAD network version to work.
  • Can I run StyleCAD on a Mac?
    You can only install StyleCAD on Intel-based Mac computers using Apple Boot Camp. The new generation Macs are not supported.
  • StyleCAD Installation Issue with Windows 11 Memory Integrity Setting
    Some of our users have reported receiving the following error while attempting to install StyleCAD on Windows 11. The driver that fails to load is the Sentinel dongle driver. It is possible that Windows 11 Memory Integrity Setting is interfering with the Installation. Turning off this setting and restarting the device should fix the problem.
  • What are the system requirements for VStitcher and Lotta for Windows?
  • What is the difference between the PE and the SE?
    StyleCAD V11 PE (Pattern Expert Version) Option Note: If your key is enabled as a distributor key, Control-Q switches the PE to SE version. If your distributor dongle does not behave this way, email us and we can program your dongle for this switching feature. The extra features only included with StyleCAD PE version are: In the Grading screen: - The default grading tool supports the ‘E’ quickstep which automatically grades the end of an internal line so that the end of the internal line touches the graded pattern outline for each size perfectly. In the PDS (Pattern Making) screen: - Style/Pattern History feature - Pattern Info Translation feature - Segment Length Tool for sleeve - Dart Tools to create darts on screen, transfer darts, blend - Pleat (Knife Pleat and Box Pleat) & Shirring making tools including Puff Tool - Tracing Polyline Tool (In V10 SE version, the Trace Tool has been added) - Spiral Tool - Curve Blending Tool - Quick Step “B” and “BB” for blending curves - Quick Step “DC” for automatic Dart Cap shape generation - Quick Step “PC” for automatic Pleat Cap shape generation - Quick Step “P” with the default PDS Tool for quick pivoting function - Perimeter Tool supports the ‘I’ quickstep to compute the perimeter of multiple sections where the sections are intersecting each other - Use As Outline popup menu command - Custom Curve Library feature. The user can save curves for future reference - French Curves - Block Blending Tool - PolyBezier Line Tool – QuickStep “C” to copy sections from other curves or French curves - Flip Tool – QuickStep “DD” (Detached/Disabled) allows temporary folding of a section to be edited - 2 Point Guideline, 2 Point Guideline with 90 deg crossing guide line, Tangent Guideline - Native Yuka file importing
  • Reasons for StyleCAD not starting up (critical errors):
    llegal Use of StyleCAD License. Contact a distributor. A. Remote terminal program is running. B. Some sort of crack software is installed on the computer. C. Some sort of CPU sharing device is being used - multiple keyboards/multiple displays/multiple mouses for 1 computer. 2. Key requires an upgrade. Please contact the dealer. Different version of StyleCAD has been installed. (Example: V11.exe installed but the dongle is programmed for V10). 3. Invalid Licence File A. The License file is missing in the installation folder. B. The Licence file is invalid and does not match the PC information (should request a new license file).
  • Setting up a shared plotter in a network environment with multiple users
    Network Shared Plotter Setup In a network environment with multiple PDS/Grading users and multiple marking users, it is very common to have one or more plotters that are shared among the users. Plotters could include pattern plotter often capable of changing tools (pen/knife) or marker plotters. The following sample cases represent the most common set up. Please refer to the situation that matches your configuration. The variables in the StyleCAD setup are where the style/marker folder is located and how the folder is mapped if it is a network folder. Setup Case 1: Submitting Marker Plot from PC1 or PC2 - Style/Marker folder exists in PC3 where Output Manger (OM) is running. The user is running a marking program from PC1 or PC2 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC3. The user wants to submit a marker plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad. * Computer Name: pc1, pc2, pc3 (OM runs here and contains style/marker folder) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 2: Submitting Marker Plot from PC1 - Style/Marker folder exists in PC2, OM runs on PC3. The user is running a marking program from PC1 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC2. The user wants to submit a marker plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad. * Computer Name: pc1 (marking program), pc2 (style/marker folder), pc3 (OM running) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 3: Submitting Style Plot from PC1/PC3 - Style/Marker folder exists in PC3, OM runs on PC3. The user is running a PDS/Grading program and the Plot Manager (PM) from PC1 or PC2 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC3 where the Output Manager (OM) is running. The user wants to submit a pattern plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to either \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad. * Computer Name: pc1/pc2 (PDS and PM program), pc3 (style/marker folder, OM running) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 4: PM (PC1) submits style plot to OM. Style/Marker folder exists in PC2 and Output Manger (OM) is running in PC3. The user is running a PDS/Grading program from PC1 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC2. The user wants to submit a marker plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad.. * Computer Name: pc1 (PM), pc2 (Style folder), pc3 (OM) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 5: PM (PC1/PC2)submits style plot to OM (PC3). Style/Marker folder exists locally in PC1/PC2 The user is running a PDS/Grading program from PC1/PC2 on the same network. The style and marker files reside locally in PC1/PC2. Therefore, OM computer does not have direct access to the style files in either PC1 or PC2. The user wants to submit a pattern plot job from PM in either PC1 or PC2 to OM running on PC3. In this case, the plot submit must be done with the Copy to Plot Server option in PM. The style file is copied from the local folder in PC1/PC2 to PC3 local folder before OM starts plotting. * Computer Name: pc1 (PM, style folder), pc2 (PM, style folder), pc3 (OM) "Setup Instruction"
  • How to control access to plotter drivers
    Please contact your local dealer for support.
  • How do I setup a workstation for use with StyleCAD Network Version?
    StyleCAD Network Version Workstation Installation *StyleCAD Version Net Workstation supports Windows 2000 or Windows XP only. Windows ME/98/95 are not supported. *Prior to installation, the user must create a network drive. The letter for the network drive must be G. Please refer to Windows Mapping document to learn more about Windows Mapping. If the letter is not G, after installation, the ODBC System DSNs created StyleCAD installation must be modified. Also, all reference to G: drive in Program Configuration window in all StyleCAD programs must be modified to the correct drive letter. *Prior to installation, the user should know the name of the StyleCAD Server where the software license key is attached. *Windows Firewall can block the network key license authorization. Disable the windows Firewall or perform Add Port (Exceptions tab) to add UDP port 6001. This is the port number used by the Sentinel network key to authorize network license to the workstation. 1. Insert the StyleCAD Net Version Workstation Installation CD to CDROM. Installation program will automatically start. 2. Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for StyleCAD. Click Next. 3. License Agreement. Click Next. 4. Enter Text. Please enter your server’s name here. The server name must be in English. Click Next. 5. Customer Information. Enter User Name and Company Name. Click Next. 6. Choose Destination Location. Click Next. 7. Setup Type. Click Next. 8. Program Folder. Click Next. 9. TechSmith Screen Capture Codec Installation. Click Install. For version 6 and higher, this step is skipped. 10. Question. Click Yes. 11. InstallShield Wizard Complete. Click Finish. 12. After rebooting, please open Output Manager program and select Settings\Program Configuration. Change the drive letter to C for Pattern Marker Folder & Plot Spool Folder as indicated. 13. Open all INI files and add following info. [NetworkConfiguration] NetkeyServerName=YOURSERVERNAMEHERE
  • How do I configure Windows Mapping services?
    Windows Mapping StyleCAD Network requires a proper network mapping from the workstation computers to the server computer. The computers must have working network interface cards and Windows operating system installed. To find out the server computer’s name Right-click My Computer, select Properties\Network Identification to find out the server computer’s full name. * To rename the computer, click properties. It is recommended to use a meaningful name such as ScadServer or TrainServer. Sharing a local hard drive for the server computer 1. Double-click My Computer. 2. Right-click Local Disk (C:), select Sharing. 3. Click New Share 4. Enter C and click OK. Mapping to the server from the workstations Right-click My Computer and select Map Network Drive… Choose letter G for Drive and enter \\YourServerName\C for Folder. Click Finish.
  • I receive the following error screen. What causes this, and what can I do to fix it?"
    Automarker Socket Error This is not an error but a notification in StyleCAD. There are two possible reasons for this error: 1. TCP/IP might not be set up properly. The dedicated Automarker is able to receive an automarking job over the local network via Sockets, and in order to do that the computer must be set up with TCP/IP protocol. First, right click on the Network Neighborhood icon on your desktop and select "Properties". Then, right click on Local Area Connection and select "Properties". Then, left click on Internet Protcol (TCP/IP) and select "Properties". Finally, enter your DNS settings, as well as your IP settings (ask your system administrator for information on what numbers to enter here). 2. The port number used by the Automarker server could already be used by another application. To fix this, the user must open the Automarker50.INI file in WinNT or Windows (for XP) and enter the following by using a text editor. [Server Configuration] AUTOMARKING_SERVER_PORT=3707 If 3707 does not work either, keep incrementing the number and retry. You may need to reboot your computer for these settings to take effect.
  • How do I perform the StyleCAD Key Field Activation?
    StyleCAD Key Field Activation This section discusses how the user may purchase an upgrade for the StyleCAD program and activate the purchased module or a version upgrade without swapping the key. A typical scenario is upgrading the program from 4.0 to 5.0 or adding the advanced PDS module or the automarker toa standard StyleCAD system. The user purchases the upgrade from the local StyleCAD dealer, and then by entering a secret code received from the dealer (or SoftFashion USA) activates the purchased module on the StyleCAD key. This is called Field Activation and is available only to those keys shipped to customers after August 2004. StyleCAD license keys purchased prior to August 2004 must be returned when the program is upgraded. The customer will be provided with a new key that will be ready for future field >activation. In order to do the field activation, the customer must install the Sentinel 6.3.1 driver and the FieldExchange program. The Zip file containing both can be obtained from the dealer or downloaded by clicking here. Once the zip file is obtained, follow the steps below. Installing the Sentinel 6.3.1 driver and activating additional license in a StyleCAD program key. 1. Unzip the file. Double click the file. When the window shows up, there should be 5 files. Drag each one onto your desktop or a folder. 2. Run setup.exe by double clicking it. This should install the Sentinel Superpro 6.3.1 driver and fieldExchange.exe program. Press the next button. Press the next button. Press the next button. Make sure your StyleCAD key is removed from your computer and Press the Install button. Press the Finish button. 3. Restart the comptuer then run the fieldExchange.exe program. In order to run the program, press the Start button on the bottom taskbar. Then move the cursor to All Programs buttom. This brings up another menu. Look for Rainbow Technologies. Move the cursor to the arrow next to it. The next menu shows up that says SuperPro. Keep moving the cursor to the arrow to walk through the next menu that says 6.3 and Tools. The Field Exchange Utility should be the first menu item after Tools. Select it. 4. Press the Get Locking Code button on the Field Exchange Utility program. It should display an alphabetical text string. Copy the string and e-mail it to either your local dealer or 5. The support team at SoftFashion USA will send back an encrypted text string. 6. Run the fieldExchange.exe program again and enter the received encrypted text string into the text field above the "Update License" button. Then press the "Update License" button. 7. A small popup message "Success!" should appear. If this does not happen, contact the local dealer for further support. 8. Run StyleCAD. The purchased module will now be activated.
  • What is an alternate method for finding my computer's MAC code besides using FindMAC.exe?
    Alternate MAC Code Discovery Sometimes the FindMAC.exe program used to discover your computer's MAC code may not work properly. If this happens, there is a simple alternative way of discovering your computer's MAC code. 1. Move the mouse pointer to the Start Menu, and click on Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. 2. Type in ipconfig /all and press enter. 3. Take not of the results shown on the screen. The string listed under Physical Address is the MAC code for your computer.
  • Manual Placement doesn't work on StyleCAD Output Manager
    Marking Network Version Setup Sometimes some features may not be properly enabled in Marking when using the network version of the program. This is typically a problem with the program's configuration and can be fixed quite easily. 1. Open PatternMarkerNet50.INI file and add NetworkConfiguration]info as below if you don't have it. [SystemRegion] PatternMarkerFilePath=C:\SCAD\PatternMarkers [NetworkConfiguration] NetkeyServerName=YOURSERVERNAMEHERE 2. Make sure your Output Manager has Pattern Marker Folder and Plot Spool Folder mapped to C:\ not G:\. This can be seen in the image below.
  • Please explain the types of intermediate grading points in StyleCAD Grading.
    2 types of Intermediate Grading and their usage We now have 2 different types of intermediate grading points. The user can right-click on any point to see the Apply Intermediate Grading option. Under this option, there are two different intermediate grading methods that are possible. They are: Proportional to Curvature and Proportional to Distance. The default intermediate grading point type is Proportional to Curvature, and this option will appear in intermediate grading as the image below upon grading: If the user right-clicks on the grading point and chooses Proportional to Distance, then it will show up in grading as this image below: This new option was added because the users need to able to grade differently in different areas of pattern. For example, the users can apply the Proportional to Curvature method for areas such as an armhole or the crotch area.
  • How do I set the default value for the Facing Pair option in Marker Order in StyleCAD 5.0?
    Setting the default value for the Facing Pair option in Marker Order (version 5.0) For Copy Pattern Annotation, the last setting will be remembered. This will be affected by the Insert Pattern and Replace Pattern commands because this option exists for those tools as well. In order to set the default value to OFF for the Facing Pair option, add the following lines to the marking50.ini file. [User Configuration] Default Facing Pair Flag=0 The default value is 1, which sets the facing pair flag. [User Configuration] section should already exist. Just find it and add the Default Facing Pair Flag=0 below the line.
  • How can I prevent the pattern annotation from appearing (and being plotted) outside of a pattern?
    Marker Pattern Annotation Location Control Sometimes when placing pattern annotations on patterns (especially circular patterns with a hole in the middle), the pattern annotation plots in a location that may cause the annotation to be outside the pattern. This may be caused by the grain line crossing the hole area. There is a simple method for solving this problem. Simply move the grain line to a location in the pattern so that it sits completely inside the pattern. StyleCAD tries to plot at the geometric center of the pattern first and if the annotation is outside the pattern outline, it tries the grain line location next. Making sure the grain line sits completely inside will ensure that the annotation is plotted inside the pattern outline.
  • How do I setup the ODBC databases for use with StyleCAD?
    ODBC Setup By default, StyleCAD sets up the ODBC (Object Database Control) settings when the StyleCAD software is installed. Sometimes it is necessary to manually setup the ODBC system in order to change or add a database. Although the process is straight forward, it is also very specific. When following these directions, please pay close attention to the spelling of certain settings, since StyleCAD depends on the correct spelling of these settings to operate correctly. 1. Select the Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu. 2. If using Windows XP, select Performance and Maintainance, then select the Administrative Tools icon. Then click on the Data Sources (ODBC) icon. If using Windows 2000 or older, simply click on the Administrative Tools icon and then click on the Data Sources (ODBC) icon. 3. Click on the System DSN tab at the top of the window. If you wish to edit a database, simply click on the database's name and click the Configure button. If you wish to add a new database, simply click on the button marked Add. 4. Once the Add dialog box is open, enter the Data Source Name exactly as it is required by StyleCAD. The following is a list of data source names recognized by StyleCAD, along with each of their functions: MyRules40 - Contains the marker list for all styles used by the user. This provides the quick marker info/selection list and contains information such as fabric yield, utilization, marker width, length, size ratios, number of pieces, creator, modified date, etc. It also contains the grading rule tables. ImportRules - Used only by the StyleCAD File Utility program in order to import rules from a data base file received from another StyleCAD installation. After installation, this ODBC Data Source points to C:\Scad\ImportRules.mdb but could be modifed to point to another file. So in order to import grading rules from another site, copy the MyRules40.mdb file and overwrite your ImportRules.mdb or copy the file in some other folder and make the ODBC Data Source point to that file. PatternSpec40 - Contains Pattern Specification data. StylePDM - Contains the Cost Sheet information. StyleLog40 - Contains the company information, customer list, pattern name list, pattern description list, etc. PlotReport - Contains plotting history information. NOTE: For this procedure to work correctly, make sure the data source names are spelled in the same manner shown above in bold. If there is a problem in the spelling, StyleCAD will not recognize the data source file in the software. 5. Under Database, click the Select button. A file selection dialog box appears. Select the desired database to associate with the data source name. ADVANCED FEATURE: If a database has been corrupted by the system or if any other problem has occurred with the database file, it is possible to repair the database association using this same procedure. Instead of clicking the Select button, press the Repair button instead. 6. Now click OK or Finish to exit all of the open windows. If the StyleCAD program is open, close it and re-open it to start using the new database file.
  • How can Spyware affect StyleCAD?
    Spyware Effects on StyleCAD With the amount of Spam and Spyware creeping into users' systems these days, it's important to know how these pieces of unauthorized software affect StyleCAD. The best form of defense is to keep StyleCAD systems disconnected from the internet. Sometimes this isn't possible, so users might try installing anti-spyware programs. Although we cannot recommend any specific spyware removal programs, our users and technicians have found success with programs like Ad-Aware and Spyware Doctor. Because of the way Spyware affects the user's computer system, StyleCAD's DLL files could be affected. We've received reports of Spyware and some Spyware removers to copy, move, or block some of StyleCAD's DLL files. This could cause StyleCAD errors such as the grading panel's disappearance or a corrupt ODBC database. The user can take several precautions to recover from such a failure. First of all, backup your ODBC databases (the databases StyleCAD uses to store software information) frequently. This will ensure that a recent version is available incase the user needs to reset the database. If users find themselves with DLL errors due to Spyware, they can use their original StyleCAD CD to reinstall the software files. This will clear up the software from any errors that Spyware may have caused.
  • How do I upgrade from an older version of StyleCAD Network system to a newer version?
    Updating to StyleCAD 6.0 from previous versions is quick and easy. Simply purchase the new software, and you will receive instructions for upgrading. Upgrades are fast, and very easy to accomplish even for a novice computer use
  • How do I digitize grading data?
    Digitzing Grading Data In order to digitize grading data, you need a 16 button cursor. The following images show the digitizer button setup window and the exact sequence of how to digitize grading data. The grading data for curve points need not be digitized in because StyleCAD's grading data blending algorithm will take care of the curve points. The black numbers represent the button to press and the red numbers represent the exact order in which they are entered. Digitizing Internal Lines and Drill Holes A. Digitizing Internal lines Step 1: With the [Intermediate/selection button] (usually button A on a 16 button mouse or button 3 on a 4 button mouse), (refer to the Digitizer Cursor Configuration), click the [Internal Line] menu item. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Internal Line." Step 2: Now you are in Internal Line digitizing mode. You can now digitize the internal line as you would digitize any line normally. In other words, use [Grading Button] or [Intermediate/selection button] for the curve point. When you are finished with the line, press the [End Mode Button] (usually button 1 on either 4 or 16 button mouse). This finishes the first internal line. At this point, you are still in internal line mode. You can repeat step 2 again for second internal line or proceed to step 3. Step 3: Press the [End Mode Button] once more to exit the internal line mode. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Internal Line Finished." B. Digitizing Drill Holes Step 1: With the [Intermediate/selection button] (usually button A on a 16 button mouse or button 3 on a 4 button mouse), (refer to the Digitizer Cursor Configuration), click the [Drill Hole] menu item. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Drill Hole." Step 2: Now you are in drill hole digitizing mode. Use [Intermediate/selection button] for the drill hole. You can repeat step 2 again for a second drill hole or proceed to step 3. Step 3: Press the [End Mode Button] to exit the drill hole mode. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Drill Hole Finished."
  • Is StyleCAD a UNICODE program?
    Yes. StyleCAD starting from version 10 supports UNICODE. Therefore, the user can change the language of the program anytime without using the Regional Settings in the Windows Control Panel. Also, the user may enter any language into any text data in the style files and marker files. For example a pattern name can have English part and Chinese part. Additionally, StyleCAD supports the concept of Dual Language Support. This feature allows the user to enter data in 2 separate languages and switch between them by a click of a button. For example, pattern name and description can have English text and a separate Spanish Text. The user can then choose to display all pattern information in English or Spanish. Any combination of languages is supported.
  • Does StyleCAD run on Dual Monitor Setup?
    Yes, StyleCAD Version 11 programs may be placed in the secondary monitor and remember the position of dialog windows in the secondary monitor.
  • How to change the font and text size on StyleCAD V11 for UHD displays?
    1. Go to Settings and select Preference. 2. Click on Set Dialog Font. 3. Choose the Font, Font Style, and Size. 4. For UHD (4K) displays, choose the [Large Toolbars] button in the Preference window. This doubles the pixel size of all the toolbar icons and will make it easier to see and select the tools. 5. The Grid Scale controls the scaling of all grids (spreadsheet like tables with grids) in StyleCAD. This affects Grading Panel, Pattern Chart, Browse Pattern Window, Marker Order windows etc etc. Try setting to 1.5-2 to increase the size of the rows and columns. 6. If QuickStep entries appear too small to read, try setting the size to Large. 7. If the pattern label on the display is too small to read, try setting the pattern label size setting to Large. With this, you’ve changed the font and text size for all your StyleCAD programs installed on your computer.
  • Installing StyleCAD Plugins for Browzwear VStitcher
    1. First update the license for VStitcher’s dongle to be able to use version 7.8. a) Run Browzwear_HASP_RUS.exe. Select [Update of existing protection key] and click on [Collect Information]. Save the .c2v file and email it to Also ask them to add the Open Platform feature. They will send you the .v2c file and instructions on how to apply it onto your dongle. 2. Create a subfolder inside the Plugins folder and place the bwpluginStyleCAD.dll and plugin.json files inside this folder. The name of the subfolder does not matter. Now when you open VStitcher 7.8, the Plugins menu will appear in the title bar. Note: If you have more than one plugin, each plugin requires a separate subfolder with its own plugin.json file. If the first method does not work, please try this second method. Instead of creating a subfolder inside the Plugins folder, open VStitcher 7.8, go to Edit and select Preferences. Then go to Plugins and click on + to add the Plugins folder. After adding the Plugins folder here, the Plugins menu will show up in the title bar. If the Plugins menu still does not show up in the Title Bar. If after trying these two methods you are still unable to see the plugins menu, go to Programs and Features from the Control Panel and check to see if you have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) installed on your computer. If you do not have it installed, then please download the program from here: After you install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) on your computer, the Plugins menu should show up in the title bar.
  • How do I digitize internal lines and drill holes?
    1. From the digitizer windows Setting menu, select [Digitizer Setup]. Select the model, COM port setting, resolutions etc. When the model is selected, the default configuration setting is automatically applied to all the fields. The command format below the model selection defines the expected button click report message format from the digitizer. You can consult the digitizer manual and configure the board to report in the expected format. 2. Button Setup Digitizing Grading Data In order to digitize grading data, you need a 16 button cursor. The following images show the digitizer button setup window and the exact sequence of how to digitize grading data. The grading data for curve points need not be digitized because StyleCAD’s grading data blending algorithm will take care of the curve points. The black numbers represent the button to press and the red numbers represent the exact order in which they are enetered. 3. Setting Up Digitizer Menu Area Place the StyleCAD digitizer menu sheet on a corner of the digitizer. We recommend the upper right hand corner. Once the menu is placed, you must define the location so that the menu click is recognized by the program. Select the [Define Menu Area] command from the [Setting] menu. You will see the menu area display show up in the left side of the digitizer window and will hear “Click left corner please” sound if you have a speaker attached to your computer. With the digitizer cursor, click the small black round dot toward the bottom left corner of the menu sheet. Use the selection cursor button defined in step 2 above. You will hear “Click right corner now, please.” Click the small black round dot toward the bottom right side of the menu. Now your menu area is defined and the menu clicks will be recognized. 4. Cursor click report display area A really useful feature of the digitizer window is that it displays the digitizer cursor click reporting message. The display area is next to the pattern name entry field on the window. The cursor report is a text string and it contains the button ID, X/Y coordinate data. If the COM port setting is incorrect, you will not get legible display in this area when you click the digitizer. If you are getting legible text in the area, it is a confirmation that your COM setting is correct. The reported cursor message format must match the message format shown for the digitizer model selected in step 1. If the format does not match, you must either configure the digitizer board to report in the matching format or select a model in the digitizer setup window in StyleCAD to match the message format being used by the digitizer. 5. Digitizing Large Patterns that do not fit on the digitizer board. Use the [Paste Pattern] command. 6. Digitizing Nested Pattern (Graded Pattern) The steps are shown below in the diagram. Numbers in black shows the button being used and numbers in magenta color is the sequence number. For this illustration, we assumed that button 0 is the Intermidate/selection button, 1 is the grading/corner button, 2 is the end button, 4 is the Nest button. For the Drill Hole 26 With the zero button select drill hole on the Menu 27 With the zero button select the drill hole on the base pattern 28 With 4 button select the next drill hole 29 With 4 button select the last drill hole 30 End with 2 button 31 Save with 2 button 7. Digitizing Internal Lines and Drill Holes
  • Is there a manual for the QuickSteps?
    Yes. Please download the QuickStep manual from the following link:
  • How can I download the GTCO CalComp driver and application compatible with StyleCAD?
    You can download TabletWorks- from here.
  • How to install network version (School) with Windows Firewall active
    The StyleCAD Network version utilizes the socket (TCP/IP) communication in order to provide license to the workstations. Activating the Windows Firewall can interfere with the socket communication. Add the UDP port 6001 to the Firewall exception list in order to keep the firewall running but still allow StyleCAD network version to work.
  • Can I run StyleCAD on a Mac?
    You can only install StyleCAD on Intel-based Mac computers using Apple Boot Camp. The new generation Macs are not supported.
  • StyleCAD Installation Issue with Windows 11 Memory Integrity Setting
    Some of our users have reported receiving the following error while attempting to install StyleCAD on Windows 11. The driver that fails to load is the Sentinel dongle driver. It is possible that Windows 11 Memory Integrity Setting is interfering with the Installation. Turning off this setting and restarting the device should fix the problem.
  • What are the system requirements for VStitcher and Lotta for Windows?
  • What is the difference between the PE and the SE?
    StyleCAD V11 PE (Pattern Expert Version) Option Note: If your key is enabled as a distributor key, Control-Q switches the PE to SE version. If your distributor dongle does not behave this way, email us and we can program your dongle for this switching feature. The extra features only included with StyleCAD PE version are: In the Grading screen: - The default grading tool supports the ‘E’ quickstep which automatically grades the end of an internal line so that the end of the internal line touches the graded pattern outline for each size perfectly. In the PDS (Pattern Making) screen: - Style/Pattern History feature - Pattern Info Translation feature - Segment Length Tool for sleeve - Dart Tools to create darts on screen, transfer darts, blend - Pleat (Knife Pleat and Box Pleat) & Shirring making tools including Puff Tool - Tracing Polyline Tool (In V10 SE version, the Trace Tool has been added) - Spiral Tool - Curve Blending Tool - Quick Step “B” and “BB” for blending curves - Quick Step “DC” for automatic Dart Cap shape generation - Quick Step “PC” for automatic Pleat Cap shape generation - Quick Step “P” with the default PDS Tool for quick pivoting function - Perimeter Tool supports the ‘I’ quickstep to compute the perimeter of multiple sections where the sections are intersecting each other - Use As Outline popup menu command - Custom Curve Library feature. The user can save curves for future reference - French Curves - Block Blending Tool - PolyBezier Line Tool – QuickStep “C” to copy sections from other curves or French curves - Flip Tool – QuickStep “DD” (Detached/Disabled) allows temporary folding of a section to be edited - 2 Point Guideline, 2 Point Guideline with 90 deg crossing guide line, Tangent Guideline - Native Yuka file importing
  • Reasons for StyleCAD not starting up (critical errors):
    llegal Use of StyleCAD License. Contact a distributor. A. Remote terminal program is running. B. Some sort of crack software is installed on the computer. C. Some sort of CPU sharing device is being used - multiple keyboards/multiple displays/multiple mouses for 1 computer. 2. Key requires an upgrade. Please contact the dealer. Different version of StyleCAD has been installed. (Example: V11.exe installed but the dongle is programmed for V10). 3. Invalid Licence File A. The License file is missing in the installation folder. B. The Licence file is invalid and does not match the PC information (should request a new license file).
  • Setting up a shared plotter in a network environment with multiple users
    Network Shared Plotter Setup In a network environment with multiple PDS/Grading users and multiple marking users, it is very common to have one or more plotters that are shared among the users. Plotters could include pattern plotter often capable of changing tools (pen/knife) or marker plotters. The following sample cases represent the most common set up. Please refer to the situation that matches your configuration. The variables in the StyleCAD setup are where the style/marker folder is located and how the folder is mapped if it is a network folder. Setup Case 1: Submitting Marker Plot from PC1 or PC2 - Style/Marker folder exists in PC3 where Output Manger (OM) is running. The user is running a marking program from PC1 or PC2 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC3. The user wants to submit a marker plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad. * Computer Name: pc1, pc2, pc3 (OM runs here and contains style/marker folder) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 2: Submitting Marker Plot from PC1 - Style/Marker folder exists in PC2, OM runs on PC3. The user is running a marking program from PC1 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC2. The user wants to submit a marker plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad. * Computer Name: pc1 (marking program), pc2 (style/marker folder), pc3 (OM running) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 3: Submitting Style Plot from PC1/PC3 - Style/Marker folder exists in PC3, OM runs on PC3. The user is running a PDS/Grading program and the Plot Manager (PM) from PC1 or PC2 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC3 where the Output Manager (OM) is running. The user wants to submit a pattern plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to either \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad. * Computer Name: pc1/pc2 (PDS and PM program), pc3 (style/marker folder, OM running) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 4: PM (PC1) submits style plot to OM. Style/Marker folder exists in PC2 and Output Manger (OM) is running in PC3. The user is running a PDS/Grading program from PC1 on the same network. The style and marker files reside in PC2. The user wants to submit a marker plot job to OM running on PC3. The network drive mapping can be made to \\PC3\C: or \\PC3\scad.. * Computer Name: pc1 (PM), pc2 (Style folder), pc3 (OM) "Setup Instruction" Setup Case 5: PM (PC1/PC2)submits style plot to OM (PC3). Style/Marker folder exists locally in PC1/PC2 The user is running a PDS/Grading program from PC1/PC2 on the same network. The style and marker files reside locally in PC1/PC2. Therefore, OM computer does not have direct access to the style files in either PC1 or PC2. The user wants to submit a pattern plot job from PM in either PC1 or PC2 to OM running on PC3. In this case, the plot submit must be done with the Copy to Plot Server option in PM. The style file is copied from the local folder in PC1/PC2 to PC3 local folder before OM starts plotting. * Computer Name: pc1 (PM, style folder), pc2 (PM, style folder), pc3 (OM) "Setup Instruction"
  • How to control access to plotter drivers
    Please contact your local dealer for support.
  • How do I setup a workstation for use with StyleCAD Network Version?
    StyleCAD Network Version Workstation Installation *StyleCAD Version Net Workstation supports Windows 2000 or Windows XP only. Windows ME/98/95 are not supported. *Prior to installation, the user must create a network drive. The letter for the network drive must be G. Please refer to Windows Mapping document to learn more about Windows Mapping. If the letter is not G, after installation, the ODBC System DSNs created StyleCAD installation must be modified. Also, all reference to G: drive in Program Configuration window in all StyleCAD programs must be modified to the correct drive letter. *Prior to installation, the user should know the name of the StyleCAD Server where the software license key is attached. *Windows Firewall can block the network key license authorization. Disable the windows Firewall or perform Add Port (Exceptions tab) to add UDP port 6001. This is the port number used by the Sentinel network key to authorize network license to the workstation. 1. Insert the StyleCAD Net Version Workstation Installation CD to CDROM. Installation program will automatically start. 2. Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for StyleCAD. Click Next. 3. License Agreement. Click Next. 4. Enter Text. Please enter your server’s name here. The server name must be in English. Click Next. 5. Customer Information. Enter User Name and Company Name. Click Next. 6. Choose Destination Location. Click Next. 7. Setup Type. Click Next. 8. Program Folder. Click Next. 9. TechSmith Screen Capture Codec Installation. Click Install. For version 6 and higher, this step is skipped. 10. Question. Click Yes. 11. InstallShield Wizard Complete. Click Finish. 12. After rebooting, please open Output Manager program and select Settings\Program Configuration. Change the drive letter to C for Pattern Marker Folder & Plot Spool Folder as indicated. 13. Open all INI files and add following info. [NetworkConfiguration] NetkeyServerName=YOURSERVERNAMEHERE
  • How do I configure Windows Mapping services?
    Windows Mapping StyleCAD Network requires a proper network mapping from the workstation computers to the server computer. The computers must have working network interface cards and Windows operating system installed. To find out the server computer’s name Right-click My Computer, select Properties\Network Identification to find out the server computer’s full name. * To rename the computer, click properties. It is recommended to use a meaningful name such as ScadServer or TrainServer. Sharing a local hard drive for the server computer 1. Double-click My Computer. 2. Right-click Local Disk (C:), select Sharing. 3. Click New Share 4. Enter C and click OK. Mapping to the server from the workstations Right-click My Computer and select Map Network Drive… Choose letter G for Drive and enter \\YourServerName\C for Folder. Click Finish.
  • I receive the following error screen. What causes this, and what can I do to fix it?"
    Automarker Socket Error This is not an error but a notification in StyleCAD. There are two possible reasons for this error: 1. TCP/IP might not be set up properly. The dedicated Automarker is able to receive an automarking job over the local network via Sockets, and in order to do that the computer must be set up with TCP/IP protocol. First, right click on the Network Neighborhood icon on your desktop and select "Properties". Then, right click on Local Area Connection and select "Properties". Then, left click on Internet Protcol (TCP/IP) and select "Properties". Finally, enter your DNS settings, as well as your IP settings (ask your system administrator for information on what numbers to enter here). 2. The port number used by the Automarker server could already be used by another application. To fix this, the user must open the Automarker50.INI file in WinNT or Windows (for XP) and enter the following by using a text editor. [Server Configuration] AUTOMARKING_SERVER_PORT=3707 If 3707 does not work either, keep incrementing the number and retry. You may need to reboot your computer for these settings to take effect.
  • How do I perform the StyleCAD Key Field Activation?
    StyleCAD Key Field Activation This section discusses how the user may purchase an upgrade for the StyleCAD program and activate the purchased module or a version upgrade without swapping the key. A typical scenario is upgrading the program from 4.0 to 5.0 or adding the advanced PDS module or the automarker toa standard StyleCAD system. The user purchases the upgrade from the local StyleCAD dealer, and then by entering a secret code received from the dealer (or SoftFashion USA) activates the purchased module on the StyleCAD key. This is called Field Activation and is available only to those keys shipped to customers after August 2004. StyleCAD license keys purchased prior to August 2004 must be returned when the program is upgraded. The customer will be provided with a new key that will be ready for future field >activation. In order to do the field activation, the customer must install the Sentinel 6.3.1 driver and the FieldExchange program. The Zip file containing both can be obtained from the dealer or downloaded by clicking here. Once the zip file is obtained, follow the steps below. Installing the Sentinel 6.3.1 driver and activating additional license in a StyleCAD program key. 1. Unzip the file. Double click the file. When the window shows up, there should be 5 files. Drag each one onto your desktop or a folder. 2. Run setup.exe by double clicking it. This should install the Sentinel Superpro 6.3.1 driver and fieldExchange.exe program. Press the next button. Press the next button. Press the next button. Make sure your StyleCAD key is removed from your computer and Press the Install button. Press the Finish button. 3. Restart the comptuer then run the fieldExchange.exe program. In order to run the program, press the Start button on the bottom taskbar. Then move the cursor to All Programs buttom. This brings up another menu. Look for Rainbow Technologies. Move the cursor to the arrow next to it. The next menu shows up that says SuperPro. Keep moving the cursor to the arrow to walk through the next menu that says 6.3 and Tools. The Field Exchange Utility should be the first menu item after Tools. Select it. 4. Press the Get Locking Code button on the Field Exchange Utility program. It should display an alphabetical text string. Copy the string and e-mail it to either your local dealer or 5. The support team at SoftFashion USA will send back an encrypted text string. 6. Run the fieldExchange.exe program again and enter the received encrypted text string into the text field above the "Update License" button. Then press the "Update License" button. 7. A small popup message "Success!" should appear. If this does not happen, contact the local dealer for further support. 8. Run StyleCAD. The purchased module will now be activated.
  • What is an alternate method for finding my computer's MAC code besides using FindMAC.exe?
    Alternate MAC Code Discovery Sometimes the FindMAC.exe program used to discover your computer's MAC code may not work properly. If this happens, there is a simple alternative way of discovering your computer's MAC code. 1. Move the mouse pointer to the Start Menu, and click on Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. 2. Type in ipconfig /all and press enter. 3. Take not of the results shown on the screen. The string listed under Physical Address is the MAC code for your computer.
  • Manual Placement doesn't work on StyleCAD Output Manager
    Marking Network Version Setup Sometimes some features may not be properly enabled in Marking when using the network version of the program. This is typically a problem with the program's configuration and can be fixed quite easily. 1. Open PatternMarkerNet50.INI file and add NetworkConfiguration]info as below if you don't have it. [SystemRegion] PatternMarkerFilePath=C:\SCAD\PatternMarkers [NetworkConfiguration] NetkeyServerName=YOURSERVERNAMEHERE 2. Make sure your Output Manager has Pattern Marker Folder and Plot Spool Folder mapped to C:\ not G:\. This can be seen in the image below.
  • Please explain the types of intermediate grading points in StyleCAD Grading.
    2 types of Intermediate Grading and their usage We now have 2 different types of intermediate grading points. The user can right-click on any point to see the Apply Intermediate Grading option. Under this option, there are two different intermediate grading methods that are possible. They are: Proportional to Curvature and Proportional to Distance. The default intermediate grading point type is Proportional to Curvature, and this option will appear in intermediate grading as the image below upon grading: If the user right-clicks on the grading point and chooses Proportional to Distance, then it will show up in grading as this image below: This new option was added because the users need to able to grade differently in different areas of pattern. For example, the users can apply the Proportional to Curvature method for areas such as an armhole or the crotch area.
  • How do I set the default value for the Facing Pair option in Marker Order in StyleCAD 5.0?
    Setting the default value for the Facing Pair option in Marker Order (version 5.0) For Copy Pattern Annotation, the last setting will be remembered. This will be affected by the Insert Pattern and Replace Pattern commands because this option exists for those tools as well. In order to set the default value to OFF for the Facing Pair option, add the following lines to the marking50.ini file. [User Configuration] Default Facing Pair Flag=0 The default value is 1, which sets the facing pair flag. [User Configuration] section should already exist. Just find it and add the Default Facing Pair Flag=0 below the line.
  • How can I prevent the pattern annotation from appearing (and being plotted) outside of a pattern?
    Marker Pattern Annotation Location Control Sometimes when placing pattern annotations on patterns (especially circular patterns with a hole in the middle), the pattern annotation plots in a location that may cause the annotation to be outside the pattern. This may be caused by the grain line crossing the hole area. There is a simple method for solving this problem. Simply move the grain line to a location in the pattern so that it sits completely inside the pattern. StyleCAD tries to plot at the geometric center of the pattern first and if the annotation is outside the pattern outline, it tries the grain line location next. Making sure the grain line sits completely inside will ensure that the annotation is plotted inside the pattern outline.
  • How do I setup the ODBC databases for use with StyleCAD?
    ODBC Setup By default, StyleCAD sets up the ODBC (Object Database Control) settings when the StyleCAD software is installed. Sometimes it is necessary to manually setup the ODBC system in order to change or add a database. Although the process is straight forward, it is also very specific. When following these directions, please pay close attention to the spelling of certain settings, since StyleCAD depends on the correct spelling of these settings to operate correctly. 1. Select the Control Panel from the Windows Start Menu. 2. If using Windows XP, select Performance and Maintainance, then select the Administrative Tools icon. Then click on the Data Sources (ODBC) icon. If using Windows 2000 or older, simply click on the Administrative Tools icon and then click on the Data Sources (ODBC) icon. 3. Click on the System DSN tab at the top of the window. If you wish to edit a database, simply click on the database's name and click the Configure button. If you wish to add a new database, simply click on the button marked Add. 4. Once the Add dialog box is open, enter the Data Source Name exactly as it is required by StyleCAD. The following is a list of data source names recognized by StyleCAD, along with each of their functions: MyRules40 - Contains the marker list for all styles used by the user. This provides the quick marker info/selection list and contains information such as fabric yield, utilization, marker width, length, size ratios, number of pieces, creator, modified date, etc. It also contains the grading rule tables. ImportRules - Used only by the StyleCAD File Utility program in order to import rules from a data base file received from another StyleCAD installation. After installation, this ODBC Data Source points to C:\Scad\ImportRules.mdb but could be modifed to point to another file. So in order to import grading rules from another site, copy the MyRules40.mdb file and overwrite your ImportRules.mdb or copy the file in some other folder and make the ODBC Data Source point to that file. PatternSpec40 - Contains Pattern Specification data. StylePDM - Contains the Cost Sheet information. StyleLog40 - Contains the company information, customer list, pattern name list, pattern description list, etc. PlotReport - Contains plotting history information. NOTE: For this procedure to work correctly, make sure the data source names are spelled in the same manner shown above in bold. If there is a problem in the spelling, StyleCAD will not recognize the data source file in the software. 5. Under Database, click the Select button. A file selection dialog box appears. Select the desired database to associate with the data source name. ADVANCED FEATURE: If a database has been corrupted by the system or if any other problem has occurred with the database file, it is possible to repair the database association using this same procedure. Instead of clicking the Select button, press the Repair button instead. 6. Now click OK or Finish to exit all of the open windows. If the StyleCAD program is open, close it and re-open it to start using the new database file.
  • How can Spyware affect StyleCAD?
    Spyware Effects on StyleCAD With the amount of Spam and Spyware creeping into users' systems these days, it's important to know how these pieces of unauthorized software affect StyleCAD. The best form of defense is to keep StyleCAD systems disconnected from the internet. Sometimes this isn't possible, so users might try installing anti-spyware programs. Although we cannot recommend any specific spyware removal programs, our users and technicians have found success with programs like Ad-Aware and Spyware Doctor. Because of the way Spyware affects the user's computer system, StyleCAD's DLL files could be affected. We've received reports of Spyware and some Spyware removers to copy, move, or block some of StyleCAD's DLL files. This could cause StyleCAD errors such as the grading panel's disappearance or a corrupt ODBC database. The user can take several precautions to recover from such a failure. First of all, backup your ODBC databases (the databases StyleCAD uses to store software information) frequently. This will ensure that a recent version is available incase the user needs to reset the database. If users find themselves with DLL errors due to Spyware, they can use their original StyleCAD CD to reinstall the software files. This will clear up the software from any errors that Spyware may have caused.
  • How do I upgrade from an older version of StyleCAD Network system to a newer version?
    Updating to StyleCAD 6.0 from previous versions is quick and easy. Simply purchase the new software, and you will receive instructions for upgrading. Upgrades are fast, and very easy to accomplish even for a novice computer use
  • How do I digitize grading data?
    Digitzing Grading Data In order to digitize grading data, you need a 16 button cursor. The following images show the digitizer button setup window and the exact sequence of how to digitize grading data. The grading data for curve points need not be digitized in because StyleCAD's grading data blending algorithm will take care of the curve points. The black numbers represent the button to press and the red numbers represent the exact order in which they are entered. Digitizing Internal Lines and Drill Holes A. Digitizing Internal lines Step 1: With the [Intermediate/selection button] (usually button A on a 16 button mouse or button 3 on a 4 button mouse), (refer to the Digitizer Cursor Configuration), click the [Internal Line] menu item. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Internal Line." Step 2: Now you are in Internal Line digitizing mode. You can now digitize the internal line as you would digitize any line normally. In other words, use [Grading Button] or [Intermediate/selection button] for the curve point. When you are finished with the line, press the [End Mode Button] (usually button 1 on either 4 or 16 button mouse). This finishes the first internal line. At this point, you are still in internal line mode. You can repeat step 2 again for second internal line or proceed to step 3. Step 3: Press the [End Mode Button] once more to exit the internal line mode. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Internal Line Finished." B. Digitizing Drill Holes Step 1: With the [Intermediate/selection button] (usually button A on a 16 button mouse or button 3 on a 4 button mouse), (refer to the Digitizer Cursor Configuration), click the [Drill Hole] menu item. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Drill Hole." Step 2: Now you are in drill hole digitizing mode. Use [Intermediate/selection button] for the drill hole. You can repeat step 2 again for a second drill hole or proceed to step 3. Step 3: Press the [End Mode Button] to exit the drill hole mode. If you have the sound on, you should hear "Drill Hole Finished."
  • Is StyleCAD a UNICODE program?
    Yes. StyleCAD starting from version 10 supports UNICODE. Therefore, the user can change the language of the program anytime without using the Regional Settings in the Windows Control Panel. Also, the user may enter any language into any text data in the style files and marker files. For example a pattern name can have English part and Chinese part. Additionally, StyleCAD supports the concept of Dual Language Support. This feature allows the user to enter data in 2 separate languages and switch between them by a click of a button. For example, pattern name and description can have English text and a separate Spanish Text. The user can then choose to display all pattern information in English or Spanish. Any combination of languages is supported.
  • Does StyleCAD run on Dual Monitor Setup?
    Yes, StyleCAD Version 11 programs may be placed in the secondary monitor and remember the position of dialog windows in the secondary monitor.
  • How to change the font and text size on StyleCAD V11 for UHD displays?
    1. Go to Settings and select Preference. 2. Click on Set Dialog Font. 3. Choose the Font, Font Style, and Size. 4. For UHD (4K) displays, choose the [Large Toolbars] button in the Preference window. This doubles the pixel size of all the toolbar icons and will make it easier to see and select the tools. 5. The Grid Scale controls the scaling of all grids (spreadsheet like tables with grids) in StyleCAD. This affects Grading Panel, Pattern Chart, Browse Pattern Window, Marker Order windows etc etc. Try setting to 1.5-2 to increase the size of the rows and columns. 6. If QuickStep entries appear too small to read, try setting the size to Large. 7. If the pattern label on the display is too small to read, try setting the pattern label size setting to Large. With this, you’ve changed the font and text size for all your StyleCAD programs installed on your computer.
  • Installing StyleCAD Plugins for Browzwear VStitcher
    1. First update the license for VStitcher’s dongle to be able to use version 7.8. a) Run Browzwear_HASP_RUS.exe. Select [Update of existing protection key] and click on [Collect Information]. Save the .c2v file and email it to Also ask them to add the Open Platform feature. They will send you the .v2c file and instructions on how to apply it onto your dongle. 2. Create a subfolder inside the Plugins folder and place the bwpluginStyleCAD.dll and plugin.json files inside this folder. The name of the subfolder does not matter. Now when you open VStitcher 7.8, the Plugins menu will appear in the title bar. Note: If you have more than one plugin, each plugin requires a separate subfolder with its own plugin.json file. If the first method does not work, please try this second method. Instead of creating a subfolder inside the Plugins folder, open VStitcher 7.8, go to Edit and select Preferences. Then go to Plugins and click on + to add the Plugins folder. After adding the Plugins folder here, the Plugins menu will show up in the title bar. If the Plugins menu still does not show up in the Title Bar. If after trying these two methods you are still unable to see the plugins menu, go to Programs and Features from the Control Panel and check to see if you have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) installed on your computer. If you do not have it installed, then please download the program from here: After you install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) on your computer, the Plugins menu should show up in the title bar.
  • How do I digitize internal lines and drill holes?
    1. From the digitizer windows Setting menu, select [Digitizer Setup]. Select the model, COM port setting, resolutions etc. When the model is selected, the default configuration setting is automatically applied to all the fields. The command format below the model selection defines the expected button click report message format from the digitizer. You can consult the digitizer manual and configure the board to report in the expected format. 2. Button Setup Digitizing Grading Data In order to digitize grading data, you need a 16 button cursor. The following images show the digitizer button setup window and the exact sequence of how to digitize grading data. The grading data for curve points need not be digitized because StyleCAD’s grading data blending algorithm will take care of the curve points. The black numbers represent the button to press and the red numbers represent the exact order in which they are enetered. 3. Setting Up Digitizer Menu Area Place the StyleCAD digitizer menu sheet on a corner of the digitizer. We recommend the upper right hand corner. Once the menu is placed, you must define the location so that the menu click is recognized by the program. Select the [Define Menu Area] command from the [Setting] menu. You will see the menu area display show up in the left side of the digitizer window and will hear “Click left corner please” sound if you have a speaker attached to your computer. With the digitizer cursor, click the small black round dot toward the bottom left corner of the menu sheet. Use the selection cursor button defined in step 2 above. You will hear “Click right corner now, please.” Click the small black round dot toward the bottom right side of the menu. Now your menu area is defined and the menu clicks will be recognized. 4. Cursor click report display area A really useful feature of the digitizer window is that it displays the digitizer cursor click reporting message. The display area is next to the pattern name entry field on the window. The cursor report is a text string and it contains the button ID, X/Y coordinate data. If the COM port setting is incorrect, you will not get legible display in this area when you click the digitizer. If you are getting legible text in the area, it is a confirmation that your COM setting is correct. The reported cursor message format must match the message format shown for the digitizer model selected in step 1. If the format does not match, you must either configure the digitizer board to report in the matching format or select a model in the digitizer setup window in StyleCAD to match the message format being used by the digitizer. 5. Digitizing Large Patterns that do not fit on the digitizer board. Use the [Paste Pattern] command. 6. Digitizing Nested Pattern (Graded Pattern) The steps are shown below in the diagram. Numbers in black shows the button being used and numbers in magenta color is the sequence number. For this illustration, we assumed that button 0 is the Intermidate/selection button, 1 is the grading/corner button, 2 is the end button, 4 is the Nest button. For the Drill Hole 26 With the zero button select drill hole on the Menu 27 With the zero button select the drill hole on the base pattern 28 With 4 button select the next drill hole 29 With 4 button select the last drill hole 30 End with 2 button 31 Save with 2 button 7. Digitizing Internal Lines and Drill Holes
  • Is there a manual for the QuickSteps?
    Yes. Please download the QuickStep manual from the following link:
  • How can I download the GTCO CalComp driver and application compatible with StyleCAD?
    You can download TabletWorks- from here.
  • How to install network version (School) with Windows Firewall active
    The StyleCAD Network version utilizes the socket (TCP/IP) communication in order to provide license to the workstations. Activating the Windows Firewall can interfere with the socket communication. Add the UDP port 6001 to the Firewall exception list in order to keep the firewall running but still allow StyleCAD network version to work.
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